
Looking Back Moving Forward

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the JMABC and over 160 years of Jewish community life in BC with the release of a very special book.


The Jewish Museum & Archives of BC is pleased to announce the release of Looking Back, Moving Forward: 160 Years of Jewish Life in BC

With contributions from over 200 community members, this once-in-a-generation publication will be one you’ll treasure for years to come. Through stunning photographs and compelling articles – including many community contributions – this book conveys a detailed portrait of our community history throughout the province.


Pick up or order this beautiful keepsake today.

Limited Edition Hardcover: $72 (plus mailing if applicable)

Softcover: $36 (plus mailing if applicable)


All books are 288 pages, an elegantly designed keepsake.

Call 604-257-5199 or email info@jewishmuseum.ca to place your order.