
East End Stories

First Arrivals

Arriving in the 1870’s and 1880’s, Vancouver’s earliest Jewish arrivals established businesses and community organizations.

Heart of the Community

Vancouver grew dramatically in the late 1800’s, attracting immigrants from around the world. Many members of the emerging Jewish community made a home in the ethnically diverse working class neighbourhood of Strathcona, where they established the cornerstones of their community: a synagogue and a school.

David Oppenheimer

As the second Mayor of the young city of Vancouver, David Oppenheimer laid the infrastructure necessary for a thriving metropolis.

Jack Diamond

Like David Oppenheimer before him, entrepreneur and philanthropist Jack Diamond made countless contributions to the growing city of Vancouver.

The Grossman Family

Over three generations, the Grossman family contributed to the Jewish community in countless ways, strengthening the community through volunteer and service work.

Giving Back

The Jewish tradition of Tzedakah – helping those less fortunate – has been a part of Vancouver Jewish life from the very beginning. Women have often been leaders in these efforts.


East End Stories is best enjoyed as a self-guided walking tour through the Strathcona neighbourhood of Vancouver.

Use the following map to find your way:




Study Guide

The following Study Guide has been designed to align with BC’s English Language Arts and Social Studies grades 7-9 curricula. Teachers are encouraged to employ it in their classrooms alongside the videos above.

Learn More

To learn more about our community’s rich history in Strathcona, explore past issues of our annual journal, The Scribe, or join us for a walking tour of the neighbourhood.


East End Stories was made possible through the generous support of the following organizations: